main map
The great tree
Whirlwinds abound - beware
This is a spooky, scary prison citadel
Isle Altafani, devoted to the worship of Tialma
The capital of Khamid, a jewel on the horizon of the sea
A city left behind by time
This island is said to be rich in minerals and ore
Kalahari has been lost for generations, but the whispers say it's near this spot
The famed researcher of natural philosophy is said to have built this tower herself
the imperial capital city
home to the Al Akhab family
Home of the High Qadi, Bashir
Halvjor and Kjarl work the smithy, and collect their iron from the mine to the north-west of Serenna
A government-run bank, stewarded by Valois Gahrick
A cosy inn set by the sea, a good spot for travellers wishing to stay unnoticed
A town in the shadows of Bermar, formed by farmers and those wishing to avoid the prying eyes of the city guard
They say it used to be connected to the mainland
Where you can bathe (and gossip)
Where you can spend a grand on the bizarre
Where loans are undertaken with a smile and a fresh, crispy hot marg
Home of the Al'Akhab family
Devoted to Nammu and Nuha
This is the gate between Serenna and Bermar
A cosy inn set by the sea, a good spot for travellers wishing to stay unnoticed
A store that sells all your general goods. And maybe more? Definitely all the general stuff though
If you don't have the coin to spend, they tell you to beat it
The great ocean to the east of Khamid
This is the gate between Serenna and Bermar
It's true, thy drugs are quick - to heal!
A remote mountain community that largely live in isolation, tending to the valleys and the stone
This is where we found Magritte dying and retrieved the note she had for the Liches
The home of and base of operations for the Manticores.
At the side of the ocean, the dead of Serenna are buried.
A safehouse that Viszler knows of on the outskirts of Serenna
This mine is overrun with Liches, but you managed to save the miners!
Antonias house; adorned with a fire symbol on the door knocker
A hidden tunnel that leads from this sentry tower to the royal palace
Where the Qadi of the Port District lives
This is the road the shipment usually comes through
a small village within the Swamp of Sorrows, home to the wardens of the Slithering Path trade route
The farm where the Manticores source their Warmsblood and make Dragonsfir
This is a case full of Qadi Brooches
a freight entrance to bermar
the apothecary of the manticores in bermar
This is a cave full of secret drugs
This is a statue of tialma that's rigged to blast flame when a tripwire is tripped
This is where DLS sleeps, mostly
these go down to the hidden cave dock where many barrels of dragonsfir are kept
a store run by a tiefling named Prin who purchases secrets
run by a gruff dwarf with a brooklyn accent named Arteria. He has very soft hands.
Run by two very large half-ogres who grunt in a language you do not understand. The stuff is delicious though.
A candle store run by a dragonborn named Kharash who makes them with her firebreath at the stall
Run by the same dragonborn who runs the Candle store, she makes on-the-spot custom jewellery with her fire breath
A butcher run by two gnome brothers named Durnig & Tackle
A man sells books here. Used ones.
A stall run by an elf named Myka where you can buy fish fresh from the arrow
A musical instrument store that sells small instruments from Zithers to Tambourines
Emen, a half-orc, builds and repairs ships - he can be found here
Owly is an Owlbear who protects the caverns from hostile folks
This is where the Manticores store their barrels of Dragonsfir, shipped in from Claw Hendricks' Farm
This small rowboat is most often used for scouting the coast before bringing in a shipment
These stairs lead to the upper level of the house
This is the throne of the King & Queen of Bermar - Suleiman and Najat
This is the kitchen of the royal palace
There's a secret entrance here - a tunnel that connects from the sentry tower on the south-west of the palace into this kitchen
This is the front entrance to the palace
This is where the King does his study and musings
This is a trapped statue of the dragon goddess Tialma - when a tripwire is activated, it spews flame around the room
This is the desecrated, crumbling library where Norkas found his rings
These ornate, gilded stairs lead to the upper floor - formerly Farrul Gahrick's office
These stairs lead to an enormous safe, fastened with the best lock Bermarian money can buy
Where deals are done, and papers are filed
This is the front entrance to the bank
This is the Halfling Mathilde's bar, where you can order up a fresh hot marg and go for a swim - 20 minutes after the marg, of course.
These large, comfortable cushions are perfect for gossiping poolside
"a nasty place"
Where Magic items can be bought
The Body and/or Corpse of Antonia, someone we definitely killed dead
The great ocean to the east of Khamid
The city where Sugar receives shipments from
This is where Suthin Lives
Normal Dwarves with Normal Ambitions
Where Qadi Bashir's wine is made
Where botions are stored
An entry point. May get sooty.
It goes down. To where?
This One's Also A Norkas
Dot the Is and cross the Ts
The best (and only) bar in town
Who doesn't love a good corporate headquarters?
Get yer shoppin' done here!
Don't touch anything
The long arm of the law
Strongest Town in the West
Full of rocks and whatnot
Good Clean Fun
The Defender of the Faithful
Don't ask about Old Harrivan
Ha Ha Ha
Where deals are done and proclamations are made
Map it, Wandy!
Prayer building by day, party house by night
Facing Skyward
One boot print, facing South South West
A tablet that says Search, and no Soul Gem
One Dead Chuul, One Soul Gem
another one
Marks the Spot
Marks the Spot
Marks the spot
Marks The Spot
Marks the Spot
Belf lives here
It belongs in a museum
Found it on some unrelated map
Full of yucky creatures
where they put Khonriith in the drain
Who is here?
This plateau stretches along nearly the entire Eastern mountain range
This mountain range runs up the spine of the Greshan continent
The outermost inn
This dwarf won't be beat on price
Armed, not armoured
An inn for the high-minded patron
For cheap armour, look no further
The most high-end jeweller in town
Where mages are made
Stalls for sale! Get your stalls here!
Where guards 'check' visitors
They investigate dead bodies. The ones that don't come back alive.
This temple celebrates Lliira's joy
The place where the two marked ley lines meet
capital city of the administrative region of suncrest hold
Where all good notices are posted
The folks in Majal need a place to take a load off and the Crest delivers
Run by the big chief
Where Ameen lives, and a poster was
Yasiir's place!
What happened here?
A minor city, known for just one thing.
A galloping horse adorns the sign outside this pub
Your finest fabrics, sold here
A solace for the holy
Fruit stalls, small shops
It's the entrance in the tree!
Where the guards hang out, and chill
Remedy house
Viszler has a contact here
It's where the seat of power in Masyasab is
The checkpoint for border security
The home of the big kahuna